
在今天的企业环境中, 削减成本, 重组, 裁员正成为不幸的常态, and some employers are able to offer their employees 提前退休 packages vs a potential reduction in force at a later date. But how do you know if the seemingly attractive offer you’ve received is a good one? 通过仔细评估,确保这份工作符合你的需求.




Most 提前退休 offers include a severance package that is based on your annual salary and 服务年限 at the company. 例如, your employer might offer you one or two weeks’ salary (or even a month’s salary) for each year of service. Make sure that the severance package will be enough for you to make the transition to the next phase of your life. 此外,请确保您了解可用的支付选项. You may be able to take a lump-sum severance payment and then invest the money to provide income, 或者用它来支付大笔开支. Or, you may be able to take deferred payments over several years to spread out your income tax bill on the money.


如果你的雇主有传统的养老金计划, 你从这个计划中得到的退休福利是根据你的年龄而定的, 服务年限, 年薪. You typically must work until your company’s normal retirement age (usually 65) to receive the maximum benefits. This means that you may receive smaller benefits if you accept an offer to retire early. The difference between this reduced pension and a full pension could be large, 因为当你接近退休时,养老金的收益通常会增加得更快. 然而, your employer may provide you with larger pension benefits until you can start collecting Social Security at age 62. Or, 你的雇主可能会通过增加你的年龄来增加你的养老金福利, 服务年限, 或两个. These types of pension sweeteners are key features to look for in your employer’s offer — especially if a reduced pension won’t give you enough income.


Does your employer’s 提前退休 offer include medical coverage for you and your family? 如果不是, 看看你的其他健康保险选择, 比如COBRA, 私人保单,  配偶雇主赞助的受抚养人保险, or an individual health insurance policy through either a state-based or federal health insurance Exchange Marketplace. 因为你的医疗费用可能会随着年龄的增长而增加, an offer with no medical coverage may not be worth taking if these other options are unavailable or too expensive. 即使这份工作包括医疗保险, 确保你理解并评估了覆盖范围. 你有终身保险吗,或者至少在你有资格享受医疗保险之前? Is the coverage adequate and affordable (some employers may cut benefits or raise premiums for early retirees)? 如果你雇主的保险不能满足你的健康保险需求, 你们也许可以用其他保险来填补空缺.


一些提前退休计划包括雇主赞助的人寿保险. 这可以帮助你满足你的人寿保险需求, 而且保险可能不会花费你太多(如果有的话). 然而,持续的雇主保险通常是有限的.g., one year’s coverage equal to your annual salary) or may not be offered at all. This may not be a problem if you already have enough life insurance elsewhere, 或者如果你经济上有保障,不需要人寿保险. 否则,权衡一下你的需求和购买个人保险的成本. You may also be able to convert some of your old employer coverage to an individual policy, 虽然你的保费会比你受雇时高.

此外,一个好的提前退休计划可能包括其他津贴. Your employer may provide you and other early retirees with financial planning assistance. This can come in handy if you feel overwhelmed by all of the financial issues that 提前退休 brings. Your employer may also offer job placement assistance to help you find other employment. If you have company stock options, your employer may give you more time to exercise them. 其他福利,如教育援助,也可能是可用的. 向你的雇主咨询一下,看看他们的工作具体包括什么.


To decide if you should accept an 提前退休 offer, you can’t just look at the offer itself. 你必须考虑你的整体财务状况. 你能负担得起提前退休吗? Even if you can, will you still be able to reach all of your retirement goals? These are tough questions that a financial professional should help you sort out, 但是你可以自己采取一些基本的步骤.

Identify your sources of retirement income and the yearly amount you can expect from each source. 然后, estimate your annual retirement expenses (don’t forget taxes and inflation) and make sure your income will be more than enough to meet them. You may find that you can accept your employer’s offer and probably still have the retirement lifestyle you want. 但请记住,这些只是估计. 建立一个舒适的缓冲,以防你的开支增加, 收入下降, 或者你活得比预期的长.

如果你认为你负担不起提前退休, 也许最好不要接受雇主的提议. 你工作的时间越长, 你的退休时间越短,你需要的钱就越少. 工作更长的时间也可以让你在个人退休账户中积累更多的储蓄, 退休计划, 和投资. 然而, 如果你真的想早点退休, 做出一些明智的选择可能会帮助你克服障碍. 尽量减少或消除你的一些退休开支. 考虑一种更激进的投资方式. 做一份兼职工作以获得额外收入. 最后, 考虑一下在62岁时提前领取社会保障福利, 但请记住,如果你这样做,你每月的收益将会减少.

如果你负担不起退休的费用怎么办? 找一份新工作

你可能会发现自己不得不接受提前退休的提议, 即使你负担不起退休的费用. One way to make up for the difference between what you receive from your 提前退休 package and your old paycheck is to find a new job, but that doesn’t mean that you have to abandon your former line of work for a new career. You can start by finding out if your former employer would hire you as a consultant. Or, you may find that you would like to turn what was once just a hobby into a second career. 然后 there is always the possibility of finding full-time or part-time employment with a new company.

然而, 对于在同一家公司工作了20年的员工, 找工作的前景可能很可怕. 如果你已经离开就业市场很长时间了, you might not feel comfortable or have experience marketing yourself for a new job. Some companies provide career counseling to assist employees in re-entering the workforce. 如果贵公司不为您提供此项服务, you may want to look into corporate outplacement firms and nonprofit organizations in your area that deal with career transition.

Note: Many 提前退休 offers contain non-competition agreements or offer monetary inducements on the condition that you agree not to work for a competitor. 然而, you’ll generally be able to work for a new employer and still receive your pension and other retirement plan benefits.


If you refuse 提前退休, you may continue to thrive with your employer. 你可以获得晋升和加薪,从而增加你的养老金. You could receive a second 提前退休 offer that’s better than the first one. 但是,你可能没有那么幸运.  考虑一下你的职位将来是否会被淘汰.

如果说“不”的后果很难预测, 运用你最好的判断力并寻求专业建议. 但是不要花太长时间. You may have only a short window of time, typically 60 to 90 days, to make your decision.

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